In this section you can access each level of the framework, with specific guidance, a level outlines, key knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSB) statements and access to the framework tools and resources.
Access the frameworkNursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals Development Framework
The framework is designed to be inclusive and relevant for all Healthcare Support Workers (HCSWs), Nurses, Midwives, Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) and health care students in Scotland.
It aims to articulate the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to optimise care delivery and promote staff well-being. It provides practitioners, managers and educators with a useful structure to support learning and development that will span the career pathway.
There is a Glossary of terms where you will find definitions and explanations of key terms and concepts related to the Framework and website.
How to use the Framework Navigation videoAccess the framework
Career pathways
In this section you will find information to support career development and the routes to becoming a registered practitioner.
Career pathwaysSupporting frameworks
In this section you will be able to access a range of frameworks that align to the NMAHP Development Framework which define the knowledge and skills for Healthcare Support Workers, Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professions (NMAHPs) working in specific healthcare environments.
Supporting frameworks